Join us as we monitor active and potential legislation that impacts IORC interest areas.

Please take action to protect your constitutionally guaranteed ballot initiative and voting rights. Our action page is located here.

Pesticide Application Regulations

Rule Number: Rules Governing Pesticide and Chemigation Use and Application IDAPA 02.03.03

Position: Needs Improvement

Status: Approved

Rule Info: IORC is following the status of amended pesticide regulations following the negotiated rulemaking process in 2020. The rule removes health & safety standards for aerial pesticide application.

More information:

January 26: Senate Agriculture Committee approves pesticide regulations. The rules will now be included in the continuing resolution at the end of the legislative session.

January 20: House Agriculture Committee approves pesticide regulations.

Citizen-Led Ballot Initiatives, Voting, & Elections

Bill Number: HJR 2

Position: Support

Sponsor: Colin Nash

Bill Info: Prevents the legislature from raising or amending current signature-gathering requirements for statewide ballot initiatives without voter approval.

Bill Number: SB 1110

Position: Oppose

Sponsor: Steve Vick, Jim Addis, Sage Dixon

Bill Info: Amends the signature-gathering requirements for statewide ballot initiatives to require registered voters from all 35 legislative districts making it more difficult to meet ballot qualification requirements.

Please take action to protect your constitutionally guaranteed ballot initiative and voting rights. Our action page is located here.

Bill Number: SB 1150

Position: Oppose

Sponsor: Pattie Anne Lodge, Brent Crane

Bill Info: Requires all petition workers to certify the voters were physically located in the State of Idaho at the time signatures were gathered. Prohibits Idahoans living and working outside of the state from participating in the petition process (ex. members of the military working elsewhere/students attending school out-of-state).

Please take action to protect your constitutionally guaranteed ballot initiative and voting rights. Our action page is located here.

Bill Number: HB 55

Position: Support

Sponsor: Illana Rubel

Bill Info: Allows for automatic voter registration at driver’s license offices.

Bill Number: HB 223

Position: Oppose

Sponsor: Mike Moyle

Bill Info: Prohibits the practice of “ballot harvesting” or collecting absentee ballots on behalf of another voter unless you are a postal worker or a family member. Family members are limited to carrying six ballots. Individuals who require assistance, who live in remote areas, or who do not have family to help them are disadvantaged by under this legislation.

Please take action to protect your constitutionally guaranteed ballot initiative and voting rights. Our action page is located here.

Bill Number: HB 105

Position: Oppose

Sponsor: Tammy Nichols

Bill Info: Prohibits absentee voting for voters not covered under the Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act, which includes active-duty military, foreign service members and their family, and a voter who has a sworn physical disability. All others would be required to vote in person. Applies to presidential and vice-presidential elections only.

Bill Number: HB 344

Position: Oppose

Sponsor: Brandon Mitchell

Bill Info: Imposes changes to ID and address verification requirements to register/vote on election day. Requires the applicant to obtain a government issued ID or a college ID with date of birth (not common) for new voter registrations. In situations when the voter is completing a sworn affidavit to confirm their identity, it requires the voter to have their photo taken at the polling location by an election judge or county clerk.

Please take action to protect your constitutionally guaranteed ballot initiative and voting rights. Our action page is located here.

Executive Power, Local Government, & COVID-19 Emergency Response Authority

Bill Number: HJR 1 & SB 1112

Position: Oppose

Sponsor: Steven C. Harris, Gayann DeMordaunt, Chuck Winder, Kelley Anthon

Bill Info: Allows the legislature to call itself into special session with the support of 60% of legislators.

Bill Number: SCR 101 & HCR 001

Position: Oppose

Sponsor: Chuck Winder

Bill Info: Ends the Governor’s emergency declaration. Jeopardizes federal pandemic response funding, causes problems for vaccine rollout and other pandemic response.

Bill Number: SB 1136

Position: Oppose

Sponsor: Chuck Winder, Scott Bedke

Bill Info: Amends the Idaho Law to provide limitations to emergency declarations and disaster preparedness and allows them to be terminated by the legislature. Mandates legislative oversight of emergency responses. Restricts the Governor’s power to respond to public health emergencies like the current pandemic, fires, floods, earthquakes, or other unforeseen disasters.

Bill Number: HCR 2, HCR 5 & SCR 103

Position: Oppose

Sponsor: Brent Crane, Barbara Ehardt

Bill Info: Repeals limitations on public and private gathering sizes that were implemented as part of the Governor’s emergency declaration. Places limitation on public health district & local government power to enact/enforce public health measures or other emergencies.

Bill Number: HB 33 & SB 1060 

Position: Oppose

Sponsor: Megan Blanksma, Steve Vick

Bill Info: Allows county commissions to overturn public health orders implemented by the Idaho Department of Health and Welfare’s Public Health Districts. Thereby giving county commissioners veto power over any health district board decision. Lowers penalties for first and second offenses of violating public health measures to infractions rather than misdemeanors. Limits the duration of any order of isolation or quarantine issued by the state or a public health district to 30 days, unless the city or county involved extends it for a longer period.

Bill Number: HB 74

Position: Oppose

Sponsor: Brandon Mitchell, Regina Bayer

Bill Info: Restricts powers of cities to enforce public health measures.  

Bill Number: HB 281

Position: Oppose

Sponsor: Karey Hanks

Bill Info: Prohibits cities, counties, public health districts, school districts, the state of Idaho, or any other political subdivision from requiring masks for the purpose of preventing or slowing the spread of a contagious or an infectious disease.   

Grocery Tax

Bill Number: HB 199

Position: Oppose

Sponsor: Scott Bedke, Mike Moyle, Steven Harris, Jim Rice

Bill Info: Repeals the grocery tax credit while only reducing the sales tax to 5.3% from 6%. Reduces all income tax brackets to 6.5%

Grocery Tax Fact Sheet from 2020 Legislative Session

Driving Permits for Undocumented Agricultural Workers

Bill Number: SB 1132

Position: Support

Sponsor: Jim Guthrie

Bill Info: Permits limited driving privileges for any person residing in Idaho regardless of their citizenship status.

Minimum Wage

Bill Number: SB 1028

Position: Support

Sponsor: Grant Burgoyne

Bill Info: Increases the minimum wage to $15.00 from the federal minimum of $7.25 for hourly workers and $7.50 for tipped employees over two years. Does not address piece rates or overtime pay for seasonal/intermittent agricultural employees which is a major oversight and an area that needs to be addressed. Repeals the prohibition on local minimum wages.

Add the Words

Bill Number: SB 1030 

Position: Support

Sponsor: Melissa Wintrow

Bill Info:  Amends Idaho Human Rights Act to include “sexual orientation” and “gender identity.”

Agriculture & Water Quality

Bill Number: HB 51

Position: Oppose

Sponsor: TBD

Bill Info: Allows dairy producers to continue monitoring the land application of dairy nutrients according to methods that are intended to be phased out by 2023.

Bill Number: HB 99

Position: Monitoring

Sponsor: John Vander Woude

Bill Info: Directs the Idaho Department of Environmental Quality to create a water quality pollutant offset program that allows participants to trade credits on the open market.

Bill Number: HB 167

Position: Oppose

Sponsor: TBD

Bill Info: Requires the Idaho State Department of Agriculture to consider the cost impact and ensure the economic feasibility and of potential administrative rules on agricultural operations.


Bill Number: HB 239

Position: Oppose

Sponsor: Mark Harris, Marc Gibbs

Bill Info: Repeals a law passed in 2020 that created design and construction standards for phosphogypsum disposal areas under and required IDEQ to set environmental and public health standards. Euphemistically known as “stacks” these toxic waste lagoons are at greater risk of polluting our groundwater systems and IDEQ’s ability to properly regulate them will be rescinded if it is allowed to go into effect.


Bill Number: HB 126

Position: Support

Sponsor: Jim Guthrie

Bill Info: Allows the cultivation, transportation, production, processing, and research within the state of Idaho of industrial hemp with 0.3% THC or less. Does not allow for the use or sale of hemp products such as CBD that contain THC, even in trace amounts.

Climate Change & Energy

Bill Number: HB 274

Position: Oppose

Sponsor: Sage Dixon

Bill Info: Preempts local governments from passing local building codes to meet planning and efficiency needs.  Requires legislative oversight and gives the legislature veto power over energy efficiency and building building code requirements. 

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