The 2021 Idaho Legislative Session is one of the most important sessions in recent history. Many at the statehouse refuse to recognize the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and its ongoing threat to the health of Idaho’s people while taking steps to repeal public health protections and tie the hands of public health officials to take measures to stop the spread of the virus. Our constitutional rights to bring citizen-initiated legislation and to vote came under attack. Legislation has moved quickly to effectively end ballot initiatives and to enact voter suppression laws that will restrict our access to the ballot. Lawmakers finalized their efforts to erase policy that protected Idahoans from harmful pesticides and rubber-stamped a watered-down version of the standards supported by industry.
Throughout the onslaught of these toxic bills the Idaho Organization of Resource Councils Grassroots Action Team has been a strong voice at the Idaho Legislature. The team helps achieve our mission by empowering members to take action and to amplify our power at the statehouse. They track and respond to legislative priorities as set by the chapters, campaign teams, and board of directors to help elevate their campaigns at the legislative level and to win on our issues. You can stay up to date with everything happening at the statehouse by following IORC on Twitter and checking out our Bill Tracker.